Morning Walk at Mount Sanitas
by Anne Gifford
Buy the Original Painting
18.000 x 23.000 inches
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Morning Walk at Mount Sanitas
Anne Gifford
Painting - Watercolor
I was walking early one gorgeous autumn morning on Mount Sanitas, a favorite trail here in Boulder, Colorado. The lighting on the golden leaves and the flatirons was stunning. No wonder this is a beloved hiking area. Two walkers were out for their morning exercise in the valley below me, so I included them in my painting.
October 28th, 2015
Comments (24)
Gull G
Art is as natural as sunshine and as vital as nourishment. π πΈπ πΈ Congratulations on your recent sale π πΈπ πΈ
John Malone
Congratulations! Your skillful and interesting painting has been FEATURED on our Homepage!
Gull G
Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye, and the eye through the mind. As the sun colours flowers, so does art colour life. -- Congratulations on your recent sale of an amazing work
Hanne Lore Koehler
Magnificent watercolor painting of this spectacular Colorado view, Anne! Gorgeous colors, light and composition! L/F
Maria Hunt
How rich and wonderful, Ann. I love the clouds, a ballet happening in the sky, majestic mountains to thrill these hikers, with autumn trees fluttering their colors. A wow painting... f/l
Anne Gifford replied:
Your description is so delightful, Maria. Thank you for your delightful comment!
Angeles M Pomata
Awesome watercolor, Anne!! Amazing hues on the leaves and such a beautiful composition. Love the detail of the walkers! L/F
Anne Gifford replied:
It looks just like this in Colorado on one of my favorite trails. Thank you for commenting, Angeles.
Darice Machel McGuire
You really captured the look and feel of Fall in this scene. Beautifully done.
Britta Glodde
Beautiful work as always. The idea to put the two people in, is great, because it shows how majestic this landscape is. L & F
Madalena Lobao-Tello
CONGRATULATIONS!! Featured on Women Painters. Fabulous artwork. Love the colours and composition !!
Joel Bruce Wallach
Anne, this bright and inspiring work delights with its colorful radiance, and the effective use of dynamic diagonals!