Portrait in Pink
by Anne Gifford
Buy the Original Painting
12.000 x 10.000 inches
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Portrait in Pink
Anne Gifford
Painting - Watercolor
As a major snowstorm settles in over the front range of the Rocky mountains here in Colorado, I intend to do just as these cats are doing.....cozy up in an easy chair and enjoy the weather. The inspiration for this painting came from a photograph taken by my artist friend, Barb McKee, who kindly shared her picture of her two (rather pampered) cats.
February 21st, 2015
Comments (103)
Sarah Irland
A wonderful painting, Anne! You have captured the feline qualities of this lovely pair so well! And that pink chair is the perfect background. L/F
AnnaJo Vahle
Don't they look like they live a comfortable life? Beautifully composed and painted, Anne. f
Spectrum Art Studio
Nice to see 2 cats sitting together so closely - my 2 kitties would not do this LF
Paula Noblitt
Beautiful kitty portraits and I like the way you handled the carpet and chair and even added a touch of pink flowers in the wallpaper! LF