Windows to the World
by Anne Gifford
Buy the Original Painting
11.000 x 16.000 inches
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Windows to the World
Anne Gifford
Painting - Watercolor
Another painting inspired by a scenario at my friends' home in Salida, Colorado. Their quaint one time ranch sits in a gorgeous setting in a valley between towering mountain peaks. My friend Ellen has the greenest of thumbs (she also taught me to use watercolors). Plants and cats populate their home, which she and her other half, Preston, have refurbished to rustic perfection.
February 22nd, 2014
Comments (72)
Kathy M Krause
Fabulous painting of this gorgeous scene inspired from your friend's scene in Colorado, Anne! Love the gorgeous flowers, fluffy Siamese cat, amazing barn, mountains, your composition and the peacefulness of it all! Love it!
Love your complex composition and the overall beautiful painting which tells a story. Well done!
Anne Gifford replied:
Thank you for the kind comment, Carole. I am glad that you can see the story within.
Randy Burns
Such a wonderful composition framed within a frame. Each section with colorful interest. Always excellent artwork Anne. F/L.
Sarah Irland
Anne, I am always amazed by your versatility. I love this scene and how we see it through multiple windows. I also really like the contrasts - the shine on the table next to the softness of cat fur, the texture of the clay pots, walls and doors vs. the clarity of the window. And anyone who has ever had a relationship with a cat will smile when they see this beautiful painting - as I did! How many times have we opened that door? It tells such a story and I love it!
Anne Gifford replied:
I so enjoy reading your perspective and observations about my paintings, Sarah, thank you. You see different things than even I do, and I learn about the skill of keen observation from you.