Rainy Day on the Old Farm
by Anne Gifford
Buy the Original Painting
10.500 x 13.000 inches
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Rainy Day on the Old Farm
Anne Gifford
Painting - Watercolor
I painted this inside the old farmhouse at the Agricultural Heritage Museum near Longmont, Colorado. I had planned to paint outside but the weather thwarted me. The groundskeeper, Jim, kindly let me come inside to paint the antique sewing machine indoors, looking out at the drizzly day. It speaks of times gone by.
August 12th, 2014
Comments (151)
Lois Bryan 9 Days Ago
So so beautiful Anne ... one of my favorites!! I can't believe I didn't leave a comment previously. My mom had a Singer, very detailed and so prettily painted like this one. She made my clothes with it when I was a little girl. I still remember my teachers complimenting me on my little dresses, all created by mom. She was so talented. I even remember the day they switched out the foot treadle for electricity!!!! Thanks for the walk down memory lane with this so-beautiful work of art, Anne!!! l/f t p fb
Marsha Reeves
I especially love the way you handled the transluscent curtains and all the little details in this nostalgic piece. l/f
Anne Gifford replied:
I really appreciate your observations, Marsha…..truly an artist’s perspective.
Rick Davis
So Very Beautiful and makes me think of my grandmother! L/F
Anne Gifford replied:
Thank you Rick! I think a lot of our grandmothers are remembered when we look at this painting.
Linda Lees
The weather turning bad was quite fortuitous, you've created a charming painting Anne. Still life, interior scene and landscape combined. Beautiful work. fav
Joseph Miko
Excellent painting I remember when I was a young kid my father owned one of them those old machines you cannot kill them they just run and run forever.
Anne Gifford replied:
I still have one that my father refurbished for me 50 years ago. I love hearing the stories of memories invoked from the comments, Joseph, and thank you for yours!
Taphath Foose
Beautifully detailed, Anne! I can feel the breeze...takes me back to memories of my childhood.
Jerry Bokowski
This defines NOSTALGIA, Anne! Pleasant memories of a different world. A peaceful, calming work of heART!…fav
Anne Gifford replied:
I really appreciate your comment, which summarizes my own feelings exactly, Jerry. Thank you!
Sarah Irland
Congratulations, Anne, on your Top Finish in the 5000 Views Contest for this wonderful painting! I have always loved it - one of my favorites. Voted. L/F