Winter Wonderland
by Anne Gifford
Buy the Original Painting
12.000 x 16.000 inches
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Winter Wonderland
Anne Gifford
Painting - Watercolor
I was inspired to paint this crisp winter scene of the Mount Sanitas trail in Boulder, Colorado when one of my talented students, Paula Osborn, kindly shared her photograph with both me and my entire watercolor class. I was captivated by the blue shadows cast on the trail by the yucca plants,and the lighting on the receding mountains. I peppered some reds around in the mid ground trees for fun, and added the parent and child walking with their dog in the distance.
January 25th, 2017
Comments (111)
Judi Dressler
Congrats on your 1st place win in the All Colorado December Logo contest, Annie, for this absolutely wonderful painting! I recognize that trail, and brrr... it feels cold; you are so talented at capturing a scene! You had my vote.
Sarah Irland
Congratulations, Anne, on your 1st Place Win in the All Colorado Contest. What a beautiful painting - I love the way you painted the snow. L/F
Hanne Lore Koehler
Love the sunlight, shadows and details in this spectacular Colorado winter painting, Anne! Beautful artistic composition! L/F
VIVA Anderson
Beautiful painting, Anne, and congrats for your Win: BEAUTIFUL WATERCOLORS SPECIAL FEATURE contest, fav, compliments............VIVA
Hazel Holland
Anne, congrats on your tied 1st place win in BEAUTIFUL WATERCOLORS SPECIAL FEATURE contest! Amazing painting! L/F
Sarah Irland
Congratulations, Anne, on your 1st Place Win in the Beautiful Watercolor Special Feature Contest for this beautiful painting! Well deserved - this is a gorgeous painting! Voted.
Taphath Foose
CONGRATULATIONS on your FIRST PLACE tied-win in the Beautiful Watercolors Special Feature contest!!! Beautiful work, Anne!!! :)
Hazel Holland
Anne, voted for this gorgeous watercolor in the BEAUTIFUL WATERCOLORS SPECIAL FEATURE contest! L/F/V
Catherine Ludwig Donleycott
Great work Anne on this beautiful winter scene. Attention to detail is very effective. Good luck. Favorite and voted in this tough watercolor competition! Love all you fellow watercolorists! Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could have some kind of get together somewhere in this great country and have a few days painting together! Till then...
Anne Gifford replied:
That really would be fun, wouldn't it? I really appreciate your kind compliments and your vote, too, Catherine. Thank you!